
Fancy Picture Souvenir Heaven / Mello Yamashita / Comes with autograph and bonus sticker



A thorough analysis of the "fancy picture souvenirs" designed by Anonymous during the bubble era!
Mero Yamashita, known as a Heisei retro researcher, thoroughly analyzes the "fancy picture souvenirs" collected from souvenir shops across the country over the years. Introducing the deep world hidden in nostalgic goods from travels that you may have seen somewhere before, in full color, sometimes in a light, sometimes serious way, based on trips across the country, individual comparisons, and analytical speculations.
This is a book that delves deeply into the world of fancy picture souvenirs that may seem nostalgic but innovative, loose but harsh, and superficial at first glance.

[Table of Contents]

0 What is a fancy picture souvenir
1 The patriots of the end of the Edo period who took time
2 Tourist destinations that became popular in taiga dramas

[Column 1] Coloring that is not just pastel

3 Take me to paradise ski heaven
4 Flower and green expo souvenirs
5 🌴
[Column 2] Heaven and Hell of Conservation Activities

6 Peace and War
7 Stuppari Yankee Culture and School Trip
8 God HELP!

[Column 3] The ancestor of all things is the red fox

9 A world where young men and women bathe together in hot springs
10 An uneasy pun souvenir

Close-up fancy picture Souvenir protection activities
Chronology of the fa souvenir era

Comes with autograph and bonus hologram sticker.

Book information

Book title: Fancy Picture Souvenir Heaven
Author: Mero Yamashita
Editor: Yiri Nishimura
Design: Takashi Gakunao
Format: A5 variant
Number of pages: 220 pages
List price : 2,200 yen + tax
Publication date: February 14, 2024
ISBN 978-4-910315-34-8

Author introduction

Mero Yamashita

Born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1981 and raised in Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture. Door boy at the door of memory.

Advocates Heisei Retro and researches the folk customs of the Showa and Heisei eras, focusing on the bubble period. He pursues transparent culture such as skeletons, communication devices and digital products, talent shops, Yankee culture, gyaru culture, etc., and holds exhibitions that recreate the rooms of young people at the time. She also researched ``fancy picture souvenirs,'' which were tourist souvenirs for children during the bubble period. He travels all over Japan to carry out conservation activities, surveying 6000 stores and protecting 25000 species. Fieldwork events and survey results will be disseminated through various media from time to time. He has introduced nostalgic culture through numerous media appearances such as "Matsuko's Unknown World" on TBS.

His books include ``The World of Heisei Retro'' (published by Tokyo Kirarasha) and ``Fancy Picture Souvenir Encyclopedia'' (published by East Press). ``Yamashita Melo's Heisei Retro Museum'' is currently being serialized in ``Weekly Playboy'' (Shueisha).


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